Middle School

Middle School Year 7 – Year 9

A transition program between Yorketown Area School, Warooka Primary School and St Columba’s Memorial School ensures a smooth transition into the secondary years. Year 7-9 enjoy flexible learning environments and specialist facilities (Home Economics, Art, traditional Technology Studies centre, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) spaces and a large Agricultural area to engage in the Australian Curriculum. As well as the “subject” areas (English, Mathematics, HASS, Science, Technologies, Health & Physical Education and Arts) students engage in “Problem Based Learning” in Term 3 each year.

Students work in cross age groups (7-9) to investigate a problem and develop solutions which they present at the annual Learning Expo. This develops collaborative skills, critical and creative thinking and an understanding that “problems” may have multiple solutions.

Student agency is developed through feedback (student to student, student to teachers and teachers to students), regular goal setting and presenting their learning in a variety of ways e.g. Student Led Conferences, Problem Based Learning solutions at the Learning Expo. The expectation for students to contribute to the school through student voice, electives program, Problem Based Learning and special projects.

Middle school students undertake a camp in June each year in a three year rotation: Adelaide, Rural and Canberra.