Senior School
Senior School Year 10 – 12+
The senior years are flexible to deliver a range of face to face options which are enhanced by Open Access, Southern Yorke Peninsula Alliance options and vocational learning. The SYP offers the Football Academy (Stage 1 & 2) at Central Yorke School, Certificate II in Engineering at Ardrossan Area School and Certificate II in Automotive delivered at Yorketown Area School Trade Training Centre. These courses are delivered in a range of ways and students can access them from any school site.
Students start SACE in Year 10 completing the compulsory SACE “Personal Learning Plan” subject. Students are introduced to Entrepreneurial Learning through the SHARK TANK program which is co-delivered with Ardrossan Area School. Year 10 students also have access to some Stage 1 SACE subjects. In Year 11 (Stage 1) students are able to study a mix of year 11 and 12 subjects with options of Certificate courses. A number of Year 12 students get a taste of university study through Extension Studies via Flinders University.
The senior years are designed to give a broad range of learning options to all students to develop the capabilities: